Nintendo 3DS

Hajime Tabata Is Thinking Of Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII For Nintendo 3DS Over on Square Enix’s ever-informative 3rd Birthday Twitter account, producer, Hajime Tabata, talks about the Nintendo 3DS and, in a surprisingly open fashion, casually contemplates the possibility of a remake of Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII on the system.

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Before Crisis, in its current form, is a mobile phone action-RPG that is part of the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII project. The game is a prequel, taking place six years before the events of FFVII, and is based around the Turks, who perform covert
operations for the Shinra Corporation.


Tabata isn’t thinking of a quick-and-dirty port, however. He’s quite impressed with the 3DS, so he would like to change the game to better suit the platform.


“If I were to do something on 3DS, it’d be a Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII remake I guess,” Tabata writes. “Completely changing the scenario composition and game design for the 3DS, if it were an action RPG BCFF7 that lots of Turk players could simultaneously play at a dizzying pace… Wait a second; this work is not an official announcement of course.”


Lots of Turks players playing at the same time? That sounds like Tabata has some sort of co-op element in mind. Keep in mind, this isn’t official…yet.

Ishaan Sahdev
About The Author
Ishaan specializes in game design/sales analysis. He's the former managing editor of Siliconera and wrote the book "The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History". He also used to moonlight as a professional manga editor. These days, his day job has nothing to do with games, but the two inform each other nonetheless.

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