Sony launches upcoming PSP games in stores and on the PlayStation Store

bleachsc.jpgSony is shifting its first party published PSP games retail strategy in Japan this October. Bleach: Soul Carnival and Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 will be simultaneously sold as retail games and downloadable titles. If you don’t care about having a box and a physical UMD disc you can save around a 1,000 yen ($9.50) per game. Bleach: Soul Carnival costs 4,743 yen ($43) at stores and 3,800 yen ($35) as a PlayStation Store digital download when it comes out on October 23. Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 runs for 3,980 yen ($36) with a plastic case and only 2,800 yen ($25) if you get from the PlayStation Store on October 16.

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Neither game has been announced for North America at this time. Savvy importers can get both games at launch by making a Japanese PlayStation Store account and purchasing PlayStation tickets. I love how Sony is providing a choice. This decision is great for the import crowd and a cost effective distribution method for Sony. However, retailers seem to be getting stung since Bleach: Soul Carnival costs nearly 20% more expensive and Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 costs 30% more. That Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or2 manual and box art better be awesome.


Images courtesy of Sony.

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