Nintendo Switch

18% Of Nvidia’s Fiscal Year 2018 Came From The Nintendo Switch


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Nvidia recently shared their financial reports for Fiscal Year 2018, and financial services site The Motley Fool estimates that the console helped make up around 18% of the company’s profit.


The figure was derived by subtracting Nvidia’s $558 million automotive revenue from the overall $1.53 billion Tegra processor revenue from Fiscal Year 2018. This means that supplying Tegra processors for the Nintendo Switch has earned Nvidia around $972 million. Nvidia did not specify the Nintendo Switch in their reports.


The Motley Fool also noted that Nintendo’s deal is a ‘meaningfully lower’ part of the total gross profit Nvidia makes from gaming, but it’s still significant when considering that the company places far more weight on their PC graphics card business.

Alistair Wong
About The Author
Very avid gamer with writing tendencies. Fan of Rockman and Pokémon and lots more!

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